Medical technology from Darmstadt

High Tech made in Germany

Medical care and diagnostic possibilities can always be optimised. Our solutions for treatment through medical devices create significant added value for our customers and ensure the therapeutic success of their patients.

Our engineers have products and processes in their sights: they not only develop medical and diagnostic devices, but also optimise existing development procedures in the process.

Our focus




Life cycle

Mechatronic Medical Engineers GmbH - Jens Hieronymus CEO

Our mission

We believe in technical progress continually improving human medical care and prevention potentials.

Based on this conviction, we develop and produce medical and diagnostic devices. We monitor authorization processes for international markets and ensure product life cycles.

Flexible modules for your successful product development

You have innovative ideas for unique products. However, it is a long way from the first concept to the marketable serial device. With our flexible service modules, we can integrate ourselves seamlessly into your project at any time and support you exactly where you need it.

We rely on flat hierarchies and collegial cooperation.

Agile project management

Years of project experience in total

We stand for


Years of project experience in total
Mechatronic Medizintechnik Darmstadt - Karl Wörtche Markteinführung Fertigung ISO 13485 Fertigung

Career in medical technology

We are one of the leading companies in the development and production of medical devices in Germany. Highly motivated colleagues, flat hierarchies and an intensive exchange of knowledge are the foundations of our success.
Become part of our friendly team.

News from Mechatronic

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Methode: Agile-V

Development processes?
Quickly and safely to the approved product.

Project Management “Agile V” – So that at the end of each project, our customers get what they expect: a product that receives approval without a hitch.

Beziehungen mit Erfolgsgarantie. Mechatronic: verlässlich erfolgsorientiert. | Mechatronic

Methode: Agile-V

Development processes?
Quickly and safely to the approved product.

Project Management “Agile V” – So that at the end of each project, our customers get what they expect: a product that receives approval without a hitch.

our certificates

Mechatronic Medical Engineers - Unsere Zertifikate - ISO 9001 TÜV 2024
Mechatronic Medical Engineers - Unsere Zertifikate - ISO 13485 TÜV 2024

YOOme explained easily

Your people for contact

Güzel-Duygu Demir
Sales Manager
Karl Wörtche
Head of Key Account Management

Contact us

Do you have any questions, or would you like to receive further information?
Then send us a message.
We look forward to your inquiry.

Kontaktformular Demir (EN)

Our medical technology brand

Our MedTech competence in the BAYOONET Group

Mechatronic | BAYOOMED
Mechatronic | BAYOOCARE
UID UX Agentur für Innovation, Design & Strategie
Güzel-Duygu Demir
Sales Manager

Contact us

Do you have any questions, or would you like to receive further information? Then write us a message.
We look forward to your request.

Kontaktformular Demir (EN)